If you’re paying more, it’s time to switch to Yoodo
between 40GB and 100GB, along with 5G Internet.
Pay Only For What You Need
Customise exactly the way you like it, with exact rates clear from the get-go.
How to enjoy Free 25GB?

Choose your plan:
For new users:
Activate your Yoodo SIM/eSIM and select a 40GB-100GB data plan as your base data plan.For existing users:
Click 'Change plan' and select a 40GB-100GB data plan as your base data plan
Select 5G Internet:
Make sure you select for "5G Internet" when you choose or change your plan ('5G Bonus Data-FREE 25GB' limited-time offer for 40GB-100GB data plan only)

For new users:
Confirm your plan and activate!For existing users:
Confirm to change plan. You can either change now or change later when your current plan expires.
Here’s Why You Do It Better With Yoodo

Experience 5G Your Way
DIY a personalised plan powered with 5G connectivity for all your digital needs.

DIY Your Data, Voice and SMS
Max out on data, dial up on voice minutes or go lean on SMS. Yoodo you.

Add On Some Add-Ons!
Keep a special data bucket for your favourite Apps.