With the MCO being extended (again), some of us are starting to get a little unhinged (if we’re not there already). But worry not! If keeping busy keeps the bad vibes at bay, we’ve come up with a list of things to tackle while you’re at home:

Clean your house

It’s stressful enough being stuck with your mess 24/7, so make things easier on yourself by cleaning up your living spaces. And it doesn’t have to take up your whole day – a little at a time will make all the difference. Put some Marie Kondo or your favourite music on and start decluttering!
Learn to cook

Even if everything you touch turns to charcoal, there’s never a bad time to learn how to prep your own food. We like learning from channels like Basics with Babish (from Binging with Babish), Chef Harpal Singh, Che Nom, and Asian at Home. Once you’re feeling more confident, ask your mom to borrow her family recipe book. As long as you don’t turn that one into charcoal, you’ll be fine.
Learn new skills online

If you’re starting to get restless (most of us are), pick up one of the many apps online that will guide you through learning a new language, coding, manual skills, good habits, exercises, and much more. For online courses, look up places like Masterclass, Udemy, Codecademy, Skillshare and Coursera. You could return to a brave new world with some brand new skills!
Keep in touch with friends and family

When’s the last time you pinged your cousin in Canada, your brother in Batu Gajah or your kakis in Kranji? Take some time to check in with your folks, who are probably just as worried or stressed as you are.
Join watch parties and livestreams

The only thing more fun than spacing out on Netflix is…spacing out on Netflix with friends and family. The Netflix Party browser extension will let you watch your favourites with friends and family around the world. Pop some popcorn and invite your friends to catch up on your shows, or catch livestreams on Facebook, Discord or Twitch.
Donate time or money to charitable causes
But anonymous Yoodo writers, you say, I want to really do something about this whole situation, you know? Something helpful.

We know. So if you can, pick a cause to donate time, materials or money to. Learn how to sew masks, pay for someone’s groceries, or spread the word when our doctors need places to stay away from their families. Check the #kitajagakita hashtag on social media, or their official website for current initiatives. You can also check out inter-community initiatives on Facebook via Caremongering Malaysia.
We’ve all made it this far, Malaysia, so keep on staying home and staying connected! We’re also helping out all our active users with 1 GB daily until 28 April. Everyone’s got their own ways to cope with the MCO, and we’re here to help you do it better.