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Find out what luck 2022 will bring you with this quiz from Yoodo!

2022 is fast approaching, and while our Chinese and astrology friends are busily looking up their zodiac luck, we thought we’d do the same…but with like, less charts and math and planetary signs.

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So if you’re curious what the year ahead might bring, just check out our simple quiz and see what our writers predict will happen to you/for you in the new year!

…But no matter what happens, the best part of 2022 will probably be this: you can enjoy it all with a plan that’s got your name written all over it!

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Enjoy that fully-customisable mobile plan, entirely your way. All talk and no SMS? Can. Social media data for days? Caaan. A little bit of data and phone minutes only when you want them? Also caaaaaaaan.

We hope 2022 brings you everything you ask for. And if something new in your phone plan is something you want, well…just ask us on social media! Your plan, your rules so you can do it better.